Hi, everyone! How are you? I'm awaiting the TV repairman to come and replace the screen on my TV [apparently they still repair things?] so I've got a few moments to, you know, get back in the business. If you haven't noticed, I've been gone for about 2 months. I guess I just sorta had other things going on. Like laziness. Lots and lots of laziness.
Well that's not true. Dree and I went to Boston, the saddle of America [or whatever], which is a lovely town, rich in history and ankle-busting sidewalks. I'll get photos up here soon, but they were done with my old black and white film camera, which, besides costing around 38 hundred dollars to develop, also leaves you with these weird pieces of paper that I can't figure out how to insert into the computer. Give me some time and I'll get those done right. But it may take a while.
That's sorta all of that, really. Anyway, to celebrate year 2 of the blog, I've renamed it yet again. This one feels better. At least for the next 6 months or so, till I change it again.
And with no segue at all, let us transition into the
real reason I dusted off the blogspot:
LEGO Advent Calendar 2011.